Shamyl Bin Mansoor

Shamyl in Istanbul

My Updates!

I'll be speaking at PyCon 2024 to be held on Saturday 9th March at LUMS, Lahore. If you're interested in anything Python, be sure to register on time.

About Me

I'm the co-founder and CTO of LearnOBots an EdTech company rethinking education through playful and fun learning. I'm a technologist, product designer, entrepreneur, a maker and a former teacher. My work involves designing products in the EdTech domain some of which include SaaS based platform, robots for education, STEAM based hands on curriculums and content for classrooms.

I'm always interested in using Tech for good and using tech for solving problems in developing countries. I also love projects that intersect the domains of Design, Technology and Art. Some of the people that inspire me include Anouk Wipprecht, Addie Wagenknecht , TeamLab, Umair Najeeb Khan and many more. If you're interested in similar projects or collaborations feel free to drop a message.